Monday, May 15, 2006

Unemployment Diaries

My resignation was tendered two weeks ago, so today is officially my first day of unemployment. I woke up at 6 am as usual, exactly 12 minutes after the alarm first went off, blindly felt my way to the bathroom, washed my face, brushed my teeth, and that's when a strange sense of alternate reality hit me - I felt displaced. If it were any other morning I'd be dressing for work, kissing G goodbye before rushing out the door to beat traffic. But today there's no rush, just a strange sense of displacement.

I had thought long and hard about my resignation, so I was prepared for it. I would take the same hardwork and dedication that I
had given to my job and redirect it toward a venture of my own (although exactly what the venture will be is still yet to be decided). So I was ready for something new. Yet I was so used to the job as part of my daily routine, that not carrying on with it somehow felt out of sync. Of course, I don't regret my decision, but it seems it'll take some getting used to...



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