Tuesday, May 16, 2006

In an effort to be frugal...

I've decided to cook my/our meals, which was usually a task reserved for the weekends, but now that I have more time on my hands and no income, it has suddenly become a very attractive idea. Plus, I've been wanting to improve my cooking skills anyhow. So, G unwittingly became the benefactor/victim of my sudden urge to cook.

On tonight's menu, we have beef curry ~ !! Something easy... hey, gotta start somewhere, right? I followed the directions exactly and roughly 30 minutes later, voila ~ !! Actually looks half decent, now how about the taste? Curry was good, but the beef was too chewy. It took me three times as long as usual to eat. (Hmmmm.. note to self: DON'T use beef shank next time, too ... chewy, plus add some carrots & potato for color.)

Okay so today's dinner actually turned out to be 'chewy' beef curry, but as with anything else, this is a learning experience. Next time I'll have 'just' beef curry.


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