Thursday, May 18, 2006

Bizarre celebrations ~ *

Here is a very cute-sie music video with just the right amount of violence and gore in it to make it whimsical and surprisingly endearing. Found this little gem on Welcome To Amyville's vlog. This is the kinda stuff that I love ~ ! (it's created by Kangaroo Alliance to the song of "Wraith Pinned to the Mist and Other Games" by Of Montreal). Enjoy ~ !

Random things...

Added more songs to, click on any song to listen > > > >>>>
My grocery shopping list: random list of random things that I wanted to try n' cook.

One of the finished products - pickled cucumbers,
they actually tasted pretty good =D

also made miso soup with the miso paste pictured below (just added some soft tofu & chopped green onions). These also turned out pretty good (okay, so, I'm not a picky eater...) I wonder how long the box of miso paste can keep in the fridge (I only used 2 spoon full) ...
Last but not least, totally random picture of the day: ultraman & friends ~ !! (took them from a box of things that M was going to throw away...i just had to rescue them!!)

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

After much hard work and labor

I finally got my own YES YES YES ~~~~ !!!

I had seen one on An Aquarium Drunkard's blog, and much like a little kid enviously eyeing another kid's lollipop - "WAAA ~ ~ I want one too ~ !!! " So I clicked the link on the lower left corner of the and entered the world of

After much trials and tribulation (being an html/web-design idiot
, it's pretty much a given....argh!) and almost pulling my hair out (why, oh, WHY doesn't the freaking **gritting teeth** URL link work?!?!? dang it!!) it finally worked, oh, such sweet redemption, muhahahaha ~ ! Very much pleased with myself at the moment, although the color seems a bit off... vell, a task for tomorrow.

Please, enjoy the fruit of my difficult labor. =)
(Although I highly suspect I'm the only person reading this blog at this point in time... anyhoo)

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

test, test, test...

and let there be sound ~ ~ =)

this is an audio post - click to play

In an effort to be frugal...

I've decided to cook my/our meals, which was usually a task reserved for the weekends, but now that I have more time on my hands and no income, it has suddenly become a very attractive idea. Plus, I've been wanting to improve my cooking skills anyhow. So, G unwittingly became the benefactor/victim of my sudden urge to cook.

On tonight's menu, we have beef curry ~ !! Something easy... hey, gotta start somewhere, right? I followed the directions exactly and roughly 30 minutes later, voila ~ !! Actually looks half decent, now how about the taste? Curry was good, but the beef was too chewy. It took me three times as long as usual to eat. (Hmmmm.. note to self: DON'T use beef shank next time, too ... chewy, plus add some carrots & potato for color.)

Okay so today's dinner actually turned out to be 'chewy' beef curry, but as with anything else, this is a learning experience. Next time I'll have 'just' beef curry.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Unemployment Diaries

My resignation was tendered two weeks ago, so today is officially my first day of unemployment. I woke up at 6 am as usual, exactly 12 minutes after the alarm first went off, blindly felt my way to the bathroom, washed my face, brushed my teeth, and that's when a strange sense of alternate reality hit me - I felt displaced. If it were any other morning I'd be dressing for work, kissing G goodbye before rushing out the door to beat traffic. But today there's no rush, just a strange sense of displacement.

I had thought long and hard about my resignation, so I was prepared for it. I would take the same hardwork and dedication that I
had given to my job and redirect it toward a venture of my own (although exactly what the venture will be is still yet to be decided). So I was ready for something new. Yet I was so used to the job as part of my daily routine, that not carrying on with it somehow felt out of sync. Of course, I don't regret my decision, but it seems it'll take some getting used to...